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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College

    PSHCE and RSE Education

    At St. Bede’s Catholic College, our approach to Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic (PSHCE) education is deeply rooted in our mission to be a community of faith and learning, inspired by the teachings of Christ. We are committed to nurturing the whole person, empowering our students to grow academically, socially, morally, and spiritually in alignment with the values encompassed by the Catholic Church and in the St. Bede’s Way — Work Hard, Be Kind and Do the Right Thing.

    PSHCE is delivered from Year 7 right through to Year 13 once a fortnight in an hourly session. PSHCE (which includes Relationship and Sexual Education) is delivered in tutor groups and by the tutor in KS5 and by a team of teachers in mixed ability teaching groups in KS3 and 4.  

    Our programme encourages students to prepare for the future by equipping them with the skills and knowledge to live healthy, safe, productive, responsible, and balanced lives. The curriculum follows three key sets of competencies: Independence and vocation, Identity and advocacy, and Influence and discernment, ensuring a structured and progressive learning experience throughout their school journey.

    As a Catholic college, our PSHCE and RSE education aligns with both the guidance set by the Department for Education and the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. It promotes respect, dignity, and the sanctity of human relationships while encouraging students to develop a deep sense of personal responsibility and ethical awareness. Lessons are designed to allow students to explore complex ideas, attitudes, and values through group discussions, debates, and reflective tasks rather than formal assessments.

    Citizenship education is embedded across the curriculum and reinforced through assemblies, whole-school initiatives, and dedicated tutor times each half-term. Inspired by our Catholic ethos and the call to be active citizens of the world, students are encouraged to develop a strong sense of social justice and civic duty. By learning about democracy, governance, and ethical leadership, they are empowered to contribute positively at local, national, and international levels.

    Our commitment to wisdom, compassion, integrity, and justice ensures that students leave St. Bede’s well-rounded individuals who are ready to take on the challenges of the modern world with a moral compass that reflects our shared faith and values. Through PSHCE and RSE education, we inspire our students to not only lead fulfilling personal lives but also to serve others, promote justice, and become active leaders in society, the economy, and the environment.

    Years 7 & 8

    • Healthy Relationships 
    • First Aid
    • Valuing Difference
    • Economic Wellbeing
    • Healthy Lifestyles
    • Personal Identity
    • Study Skills / Exam Preparation
    • Career Progression
    • Keeping Safe
    • Citizenship - Rights & Responsibilities

    Year 9

    • Healthy Relationships
    • Healthy Lifestyles
    • Valuing Difference
    • Citizenship - Crime & Punishment
    • Keeping Safe
    • Career Progression
    • Citizenship - Employability & Enterprise
    • Study Skills / Exam Preparation

    Year 10 

    • Careers Guidance
    • First Aid
    • Healthy Lifestyles
    • Study Skills / Exam Preparation
    • Relationships & Sex

    Year 11 

    • Healthy Relationships
    • Keeping Safe
    • Healthy Lifestyles
    • Careers Guidance / Economic Wellbeing
    • Valuing Difference
    • Study Skills / Exam Preparation

    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.