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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College

    Careers Information

    Careers Advice

    St Bede’s offers a comprehensive programme of careers and work related learning.

    Pupils receive advice, guidance and information through a range of different activities including: personal interviews, the St Bede's Careers Fair, a mock interview day, taster visits and advice sessions relating to topics such as Higher Education and vocational training as well as careers related workshops.

    For further information please contact:

    Mrs K Bartlett-Cosway
    Telephone 0117 377 2200

    St. Bede’s Catholic College Work Experience 

    Work Experience is scheduled into the academic timetable as an opportunity for your child to undertake a placement.  This will happen in July.

    The main aims for work experience:

    • To provide young people with a better understanding of the world of work and how businesses operate.
    • Learn what an employer will expect of an employee, i.e. punctuality, dress code, organisation.
    • Learn new skills such as interacting with customers on the telephone and in person, working with others, following instructions and using relevant equipment.
    • Develop self-confidence.

    Health and Safety

    • Each company must have a health and safety risk assessment in place before a placement can take place. All companies offering a placement must have up-to-date Employers Liability Insurance.
    • In order for pupils to undertake work experience the school must have parental permission. Please ensure that all sections of the Unifrog Placements Tool (add placement) is completed once your placement is confirmed
    • Pay particular attention to placements in Farming, Construction and Garages with regard to Health and Safety risks.

    Careers Update

    Careers update is produced on a regular basis to keep pupils and parents informed of a range of career and education opportunities, including information about events, courses, workshops and educational experiences.  For further information click here

    Parent Guide

    Please click the link below for a Parents Guide to supporting your child after GCSEs and A Levels

    Careers Advice - Getting ahead in the Summer Holidays 

    Useful Websites

    This site contains lots of useful information regarding careers. Areas of particular interest on this site are likely to be the job profiles, which details information regarding specific jobs and careers including qualifications, progression routes and job descriptions. You may also contact an independent careers advisor on 0800100900. 

    This site is aimed at young people and helps them to build their career path by considering option choices and examinations, information on job sectors and tools to help put together personal profiles.

    Although universities will have careers information on their websites, this site is particularly useful when considering further education and exploring particular career areas to see what the job prospects are like in that particular area.

    For further information please contact Mrs K Bartlett-Cosway, Careers Development Officer on 0117 3772200 or email: 

    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.