On 22 April 2025 we will receive from the local authorities the list of children who have been offered a place in year 7 at St Bede’s Catholic College for September 2025. Shortly afterwards we will contact those families to begin the process of enrolment. We will also publish the details of how places have been allocated with regard to the admissions policy.
3rd March | Offers of a school place sent to parents/carers. |
17th March | Deadline for parents/carers to respond to offers. |
17th-25th March | Second round allocations. |
22nd April | List of offers accepted sent to St Bede's Catholic College. |
31st March | Deadline for on-time appeals. |
From week commencing 28th April | Emails to families regarding admissions data, ordering uniform, school transport, music lessons and so on. |
10th June | Appeals. |
25th June | Additional transition day for children from non-partner primary schools. |
2nd July | Transition Day for all children. |
2nd July | New Parents/Carers Evening. |