Information & Links for Pupils
If you have any e-safety concerns then we strongly encourage you to talk to a teacher, if you feel unable to talk to a teacher then we would like you to tell us by using the “tell us box” in reception, by emailing us using the email address: or by texting STB2 + your message to 078600 21584. You can also click on Report an Issue at the bottom of this page.
If you cannot talk to us in school then there are online services available:
We advise you to be SMART:
- SAFE: Keep safe by being careful not to give out personal information when you’re chatting or posting online. Personal information includes your email address, phone number and password.
- MEETING: Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents’ or carers’ permission and even then only when they can be present. Remember online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time.
- ACCEPTING: Accepting emails, IM messages, or opening files, pictures or texts from people you don’t know or trust can lead to problems – they may contain viruses or nasty messages!
- RELIABLE: Someone online might lie about who they are and information on the internet may not be true. Always check information with other websites, books or someone who knows. If you like chatting online it’s best to only chat to your real world friends and family
- TELL: Tell your parent, carer or a trusted adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online.
Find out more about the SMART rules at:
Some cool e–safety website for you to explore:
If you have an issue you want to report anonymously you can do so via the online web form by clicking here or by texting STB2 + your message to 078600 21584. |