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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College

    St. Bede's Catholic College Open Evening

    St. Bede's Catholic College Sixth Form Open Evening

    We were delighted to welcome nearly 400 guests to our Sixth Form Open Evening on 24th October.

    Miss Kirkbright, Director or Sixth Form, hosted a question and answer session with students, who gave an honest and frank insight into why they chose St. Bede's, and their opinions on what is offered to them here, both academically and beyond.

    Mr Maher, Principal said: 'There is no glass ceiling in Areté.  We want our young people to go out into the world confident in who they are and truly living up to the name and being the very best that they can be.'

    Application forms can be obtained from the sixth form reception or from our website.  With only 100 places available for September 2020 it is important that applications are received by the January 2020 deadline. 

    If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Areté team:

    Main College Open Evening

    On Thursday 26th September, the hall was packed to capacity for yet another wonderful Open Evening.

    In the Main Hall, Mr Maher gave an address emphasising the distinctive nature of the College; one that has a unique culture and climate, where children experience an excellent education and one that is grounded in tradition and faith. He said whilst there are many very good schools around, there is none like St. Bede’s.

    Parents and their children had the opportunity of visiting all areas of the College to see work in the range of subjects offered. They were very complimentary about the environment, the overall level of resourcing and the articulate and engaging students.

    A number of visitors were overwhelmed with the pride the children had for their school, their enthusiasm and their confidence.

    A reminder about applications:

    Supplementary Information forms for prospective Year 7 pupils should arrive in College by 31st October 2019. Parents must also have submitted the Common Application Form to their local authority by that date.

    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.