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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College

    Areté Sixth Form Open Evening

    On Wednesday 7th November, we opened our doors to prospective sixth formers who wanted to gain an insight into what life is like at the Areté Sixth Form at St. Bede’s Catholic College.  Over 330 guests, pupils and parents came to visit the college including our new Sixth Form extension and Science building due to open in January 2019.

    Miss Kirkbright, Director of Sixth Form, hosted a question and answer session with students, who gave an honest and frank insight into why they chose St. Bede’s, and their opinions on what is offered to them here, both academically and beyond.

    In his speech Mr King, Vice-Principal, said: ‘Areté was relatively new a few years ago, however, as a result of the commitment of a hardworking and dedicated staff, results here stand up to scrutiny against the very best in Bristol.  There is no glass ceiling in Areté. We want our young people to go out into the world confident in who they are and truly living up to the name and being the very best that they can be.’

    The deadline for internal applicants is 9th January 2019 and application forms can be obtained from the sixth form reception or from our website.  Any internal candidate that secures the required grades is guaranteed a place. 

    It is clear from the turn out on the evening that Areté will again be at full capacity in September 2019.  We look forward to welcoming our new cohort. Any enquiries can be emailed to  

    With only 100 places available for September 2019 it is important that applications are received on time, but also that pupils work hard this year to secure the exam results to meet the entry requirements of 5 grade 5 GCSEs with minimum of grade 5 in both English and Mathematics.


    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.